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10 Fun Business Card designs to make you stand out

A quirky business card with unusual graphics is undoubtedly a great way to capture the attention of potential customers. A business card is not only essential for every professional in any industry, it’s one of the best ways to subtly show the customer why you’re better than the rest, and one way to stand out, is from having an utterly original business card design.

Thanks to an inspiring article published on Print Runner, we’d like to share a few images on 10 decisions taken by some companies and professionals to wow their customers and really make an impression.

The web designer Koji Sueyoshi was inspired by an old-school style casette for his business card. So before you even know much about him or his background, potential employers or contributors are instantly aware he’s in the music business, and thinks outside the box.


Wired Tree used the form of a leaf for their business cards. A refreshingly simple but effective design.


Here a light-hearted and fun approach has been taken. And it works!


Egils Paulsen expressed his idea of professional painting with this creation. This is nothing short of amazing, we can only think about what effect it might have on our customers in the event that our profession was that of artist or photographer.

This was made entirely in cotton with an 8mm depth on the front. A very vintage look is attained here from the minimal colours and 60’s feel.


Lo staff di ha voluto realizzare questo biglietto da visita per propagandare la propria attività. A prima vista parrebbe un bigliettino molto semplice ma, una volta aperto, diventa un eccezionale 2″x3.5″ ad alto impatto, perfetto per rappresentare la propria azienda.


Questa carta invece è stata realizzata dal designer Tom Mayes, che ha utilizzato un effetto molto interessante. Come è possibile notare in questa immagine, da lontano il biglietto sembra mostrare solo la scritta “YES” ma, se ci avviciniamo, comprare magicamente anche il resto della frase, “MAYES.DESIGN”.


Ivan Turčin describes himself to clients as ‘open 360 degrees’, and this is his idea of actualising that concept, with this personal business card:


These ninja style business cards were made by NinjaBTL, a company in Lithuania. No explanation needed on their shape!


Last but not least, a great idea used by those in the medical profession, a business card in the form of a band-air or plaster. Super original!

On TalentGo you can get all the best professionals on the net to describe your business cards or stationery needs. To find out more, just head to the home page of TalentGo.


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