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Ads composition in magazine and newspaper double page spreads

Advertising in magazines and newspapers is still going strong as a form of promotional campaigning, thanks to the tools readily available to communicate the brand and its products to the consumer. Despite the growth of online advertising, print advertising still proves to have a persuasive power over readers. Some bigger brands and companies are even beginning to discover new techniques which can make a difference to contemporary advertising in print.

Vital elements in creating double page magazine ads

Classically, an advertising page in magazines and newspapers is formed by various standard elements able to determine the effectiveness of its influence on consumers.However, today, we try to focus more and more on creativity and visual impact without paying mud attention to the older rules. The classic format of a double page ad would be formed by a header (or headline) that is short and to the point, followed by a visual aspect, be it an image or illustration to represent the heart of the advert, and finally, the brand or logo, and thus the advert would be complete.

Effective double page ads today

In addition to these four fundamental elements, there is also the classic body copy, the pack shot (the image of the product  including packaging or labelling), and the tagline. Today we tend to experiment and bend the rules a little, going for simplicity, creativity and letting the images speak for themselves above all else. A double page advert is one of the oldest forms of advertising but is still proved to be one of the most effective. Lately, adverts are increasing in originality and creativity. Here we’ve provided some examples of print advertising which are not only fun and creative, they’re actually highly successful. What do you think?

 is a service which offers everyone the possibility to create an original and professional logo, business cards, web-page graphics and layout and much more, thanks to the thousand of creatives registered with us. To find out more, just head to the homepage of TalentGo.

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