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Business Cards: 10 most common mistakes

The business card is an invaluable promotional tool that can be the difference between getting an opportunity or not. Creating a decent business card is no doubt the first step towards your optimized advertising strategy, and standing out from the rest is your goal. Easier said than done, perhaps, as planning and creating a business card isn’t as simple as it seems. Staying consistent with the rest of business is vital, and often requires the intervention of marketing and graphic design experts.  Here we’ve included the top 10 most made common mistakes in the creation of business cards.

Creare biglietti da visita: i 10 errori più comuni nelle business cards

Create a business card: 10 things not to do

  • Small Font – not all potential customers have perfect vision. Try not to complicate their lives with unreadable text. Minimal does not mean ‘small’.
  • Shiny Business Cards– Avoid creating glossy or laminated business cards which restrict you from writing or taking notes on them.
  • Colour Font – Don’t use colours which clash with the background, no one wants to strain their eyes to learn who you are.
  • Inconsistent Design – The card must be in style with the brand and company style. Just glancing at the business card should register your identity with the customer.
  • No Social Media Links – Not including your social media links is unforgivable in the twenty-first century.
  • No E-mail or Web Addresses – Creating a business card without including your e-mail address is like buying a book with blank pages.
  • Poor Quality Paper – Don’t save on paper if you can afford to. Using high quality material increases recognition and also makes you look more important.
  • TMI (too much information) – Quit the small talk and get straight to the point. You’ll gain more respect if you keep things plain, professional and simple.
  • Avoiding the Tagline – Including your slogan gives your business card more character, and becomes immediately more than just a ‘contact card’.
  • Using One Side – Remember when creating a business card that there are two faces, so make the most out of them!
is a service which gives the possibility to create a logo for your own business, thanks to the thousands of creative designers registered with TalentGo. To find out more, just head to the TalentGo homepage.

photo credit: kvanhorn via photopin cc

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