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Creative Packaging: examples of original designs

“Don’t judge a book by its cover”. We all know the saying, we’re decent human beings and we know better than to judge something just by its appearance. But it’s easier said than done, especially when it comes to products and their packaging. It’s no mystery that packaging designs that break the conventional standards in the industry are bound to boost sales. Quality can by no means be measured on the creativity of the packaging, but it no doubt grabs the spotlight from the their competitors.

Below, you can check out some of the best, original creative packaging designs which will have you spending too much time over regular products you wouldn’t have otherwise noticed, thanks to the help of So, what do you think? Would you be convinced by the cover, or is it what’s on the inside that counts?


 is a service which offers the possibility to create a professional design from some of the best designs on the web, thanks to the thousands of creatives registered with TalentGo. To find out more, just head to the branding page on our website.


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