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How to design a successful logo for any business

How do you get success from a logo? Let’s consider not only the entrepreneurs and businesses who are in need of fresh brand re-styling, but also our creatives who design and create brand logos to meet the needs of each client. So it’s time to think about re-styling and logo creation when it’s requested to be created from scratch.

Design a winning logo: the 8 rules to follow

So here we are, 8 key points that we’d like to bring to your attention that must be taken into account when one ventures on the creation and design of a company or organisation logo of any kind:

1 – Know your audience – the most essential element that needs to be taken into consideration is the target market. A detailed explanation of the target market is just as important to a designer as describing the logo itself, the creative needs to understand the company’s end goal as much as the company itself.


2 – Colour choice – Several psychological studies show the direct influence of the customer’s decision to buy based on the influence of colour. As a result, the colour choice must compromise the needs between the company and consider the persuasive power that certain colours play on the mind of the customer.

disegnare un logo

3 – Font – Many of our much-loved logos (take Coca Cola as an example) were made famous solely from their choice of font. To design a successful logo means to carefully consider the type of typographical critique, fundamental in capturing the customer’s attention.

4 – Vector graphics – It may seem trivial these days, but it’s always useful to remind the graphic designer of the importance of vector-based illustrations that can be processed and modified with much more flexibility compared to raster images.

disegnare un logo

5 – The Kiss rule – K.I.S.S. or “Keep it Simple, Stupid”. Avoid using graphics to overcomplicate brand recognition and the underlying meaning of it. Simplicity is a key factor in a winning logo, less is often more.

disegnare un logo

6 – A logo is forever – the brand, the graphic symbol of a company must have the right mix of characteristics to be able to last. To design a successful logo, the core of the company’s goal must be transferred to the designer’s mind, so they’re in the best position to make something durable and representative.

7 – Inspiration – Look around and see what the others are doing. It’s vital for inspiration, a basis for development into an original and successful brand identity.

8 – Believe in yourself – For all the designers on TalentGo  – never stop believing in your creations, live and breathe your the company and the brief, and the your designs will speak for themselves.


 is a service that offers everyone the possibility to own professional logos, banners, business cards and web-page layouts (to name a few). This is thanks to the thousands of creatives registered to the service. To find out more, just head to the TalentGo homepage.

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