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Famous Logos with Hidden Messages

Whether you’re an experienced graphic designer or just starting out, you’ll be familiar with the concept of communication through imagery, conveying a character if you like, all through the power of design. The way in which a logo is designed says a lot about the brand, and should be in line with their company values and marketing strategy – traditionally and digitally speaking.

We’ve found an interesting inforgraphic created by which analyses the hidden meaning behind 40 famous brand logos. Each logo has been cleverly designed to communicate a particular message. From the outside, each design is stylistic and  immediately recognisable, but it’s what’s behind the logo which speaks to us subliminally. The use of certain colours, spaces and shapes all work like smoke and mirrors in the creative world, making the mind consume the brand‘s desire.

Brand Logo and Corporate Values

The wide variety of brand logos shown in this infographic allows you to do a thorough analysis on the way each has been designed and constructed. The hidden meanings behind these symbols graphics are extremely varied and can involve and business philosophy and values, or explicitly describe the service offered by the company. It can be said that each hidden message behind each logo doesn’t seem to be a coincidence, but a concrete action the designer as taken along with the company and marketing team, each logo studied and designed specifically to create something more than just a typical graphic symbol, but a piece of art to represent the true quest of the company.

The graphic designer takes on a much more significant role than one may think. Not only does the designer put ideas to paper, he communicates the identity of the brand by cleverly and creatively positioning shapes, selecting colours and creating a lasting impression upon the consumer. Take a look at the infographic below and notice the messages you may not have seen otherwise. At the same time, it’s important to highlight the beauty of TalentGo, giving companies the opportunity to choose between a huge variety of logos by hundreds of creative experts around the globe, to have their own unique logo and business graphic.

Interpreted in this way the role of the graphic designer takes on a significance far greater than that which usually is affibiata: he is in fact simply a clever creative play with shapes and colors but it is the interpreter of the corporate identity embodied in the brand logo . So we advise you to carefully study and observe this beautiful infographic reminding at the same time thanks to TalentGo companies and freelancers can benefit from the expertise and creativity of graphic designers of high level for the creation of logos and business graphics.

brand logo

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