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Find a logo from Crowdsourcing: why it’s a good idea

The web has come a long way in recent years. Unplugging the landline to use the internet and listening to 30 second dial-up codes is now a thing of the past, but something our children won’t even know existed, and something we often forget as we take 24/7 internet access for granted.

Easy online access means for many online developers and graphic designers, working freelance is a convenient option. Now, thanks to platforms like TalentGo and TalentGo, professional designers and developers can subscribe to work within the community to create and develop a logo, website or mobile application for big clients from home. That’s great for the designers, but is also a huge advantage for business owners looking for professionals to develop and create their technical and creative online needs.  Opening a project to create a new logo on TalentGo, for example, is entering into the world of crowdsourcing. 

Logo Crowdsourcing: how it works

What good can come out of using the crowdsourcing method for companies and businesses? First of all, the undeniable advantage is the cost: in a time that many businesses are forced to tighten their belts and start-ups have to keep an eye on the bank balance, creating a logo in crowdsourcing is a solution which combines quality results and reasonable prices. Using crowdsourcing as a means of getting your logo is as simple as opening a creative contest, writing the brief and choosing the price you want to pay and publishing the project. That’s when the creatives come in, and begin creating a range of proposals for you according to the brief. You can interact with the designers, asking for modifications and giving other suggestions. Once the contest is over, you select the winning designer and proposal, you can ask for the final adjustments, and get the designer to send you the material. Once you close the project, the budget you set goes to the designer, and the rights to the logo are yours.

Crowdsourced Logos from TalentGo

Below, you can take a look at just a few examples from companies and businesses who used TalentGo and its community to get their logo. The talent, like the community, is constantly growing and producing incredible results. Enjoy!

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