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How to Choose a Mobile App Name

nome per app mobile

Since the birth of smartphones and tablets, mobile app creation is rapidly on the rise. New and existing businesses alike now consider the mobile application a core element of their marketing and development strategy. Now with cross-platform development software like Xamarin, creating and developing top mobile apps is more accessible than ever.

Choosing a mobile app name: critical issues and problems

What are the dynamics involved in the design of successful mobile app name? What are the critical issues and problems to be taken into account? In the past we have spoken several times in the importance of creating a good name for the success of a company, a product or a brand in general. The same concept is of course valid when it comes to mobile applications and, perhaps in this case, is even more crucial to gaining recognition and success. An innovative new app in both functionality and software as well as its aesthetics can be a wining combination.

Finding a name for your new mobile app is by no means simple as it is necessary to fully understand the factors that determine its true effectiveness in the market. Often, recognisability and originality are unlikely to coexist in the same name, but when this happens then you know that you are making a winning decision. Below you can check out some tips on how to create your mobile application’s name, bearing in mind, TalentGo is always at hand with the best freelance copywriters to help you find the perfect name.

8 useful tips to create your mobile app name

1 – Compound: most successful applications have names formed by the union of two words, one relating to the function and the other reinforcing it.

2 – Authenticity: Make sure that the name you choose is unique, and completely original. Do you research to check there are no phonetic similarities with others already published.

3 – Clearness: a good name instantly tells the consumer what the application deals with. 

4 – Pronunciation: if it rolls off the tongue, it’s even better and easier to spread by word of mouth.

5 – Compliancy: regarding the use of lower and upper case letters, we recommend in this case to ensure compatibility with the common use in order not to appear unreliable. Take a look in the app store to see how the names are displayed.

6 – Length: the most effective names don’t usually exceed 11 characters.

7 – Adaptation: if you buy a domain associated with your application, you may want to adapt and change it with the use of prefixes or suffixes such as “get” or “go”.

8 –Rather than using an automatic generator, trust expert copywriters for the creation of your mobile app name, like those on TalentGo.

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