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Logo: the importance of colour

One of the most powerful factors in creating a winning logo is its colour. Numerous studies have put the emphasis on the importance an entire corporate image’s colour portrays, and as a result, the impression that will be made on the customers. It’s not a secret that many stores place their products in particular areas that will attract a customer’s passing eye in perfect height range, and choosing a colour can have the same psychological effect on a customer. Here you can check out the infographic which shows the correlation between importance of colour and brand creation.

Your logo’s colour: emotional persuasion

Should you choose the colours of your logo based on the psychological power the colour can have? The goal of any business is (or should be) conveying your brand’s identity to the customer or potential business partners. When the customer “feels” something towards a particular brand, especially when there is mutual trust, it’s undoubtedly more likely they will carry out a purchase. Obtaining this level of power is all in the laws of modern marketing dominated by the persuasive power of emotion and personal identification.

Logo Colour: your conscious choice

The data featured on gives us an idea of the importance that the chromatic element has for the brand: 94% consider the visual aspect crucial; 80% believe that colour is important in brand recognition; and 81% think that the colour offers a competitive advantage for the company. All this simply means that the choice of colour in logo creation can not and should not be done lightly, but with the full awareness of what the company stands for and the values that it intends to convey through  different graphic forms.


colore logo

 is a service which offers the chance to create a new logo, business cards, web-page and much more for your company, thanks to the thousands of creative designers subscribed to TalentGo. To find out more, head to the homepage of TalentGo.

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